Essay: My Life Changing Experience

Sample Essay

I believe the trait which encompasses my newfound evolution may be explained by Lewis Goldberg’s theory of the five dimension personality model (Carducci, 2009). Though I am generally an extroverted individual who prides herself on her social desirability, I have found myself evolving around my experiences with my children. Being a part of their lives has not only taught me the importance of gaining openness to experience but has also allowed me to temper such ideals with conscientious and objective thinking. It is true that due to my own emotions I due to be agreeable to their agreeable to their need and I can be hopelessness neurotic in certain situations which involve their well being. However, these myriad of emotions due to seem to confined personality traits; rather they seem to be a product of my environment and my experiences with them.


Essay: Personal Narrative

Sample Essay

Within the last five years I have found myself evolving from a person who generally positive and extroverted, to someone who has seen and acknowledged the importance of foresight and responsibility. Seeing my children and reflecting back on my own relationships with my siblings has afforded me the opportunity within my environment to acknowledge new personality traits within me that I did not know existed. I would say that these new surface traits that have emerged come from a single source trait, my positivity.


Essay: Romeo and Juliet a Tragic Romance

Sample Essay

Before we delve into why the play cannot be adapted to the film medium it is first important to understand what the play actually is about and what its existence signifies. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic romance whose plot is one that has been told many times before. It follows the story of Both wealthy families have been feuding for years and when the two title characters Romeo and Juliet find each other their forbidden love bring about a chain of events that are beyond their understanding or control.


Essay: My Bad Experiences of Life

Sample Essay

If I had to change one event in my life which in many ways had defined my thinking process and my personality traits, it would be to prevent the divorce of my parents and the subsequent marriage he had to a woman by the name of Linda. As I mentioned before the resentment this woman felt towards me and my siblings due to her inherent jealousy had a profound effect on our lives. Though, it is true that I am a positive individual who is extremely emotional and empathetic due to my past experiences.
