Film Review: Casablanca

Casablanca is one of Hollywood’s most popular and iconic films. The plot of Casablanca advances through a chain of events, some of the important events that are central to the advancement of the story are Ugarte’s leaving documents with Rick, arrival of Laszlo and Ilsa, Rick’s refusal to give the documents to Laszlo, defiant singing of La Marseillaise in the cafe led by Laszlo and closing of the club, Rick telling Ilsa that he would help Laszlo escape if she stays behind with him, Rick’s conspiracy with Renault to release Laszlo in order to frame him for the possession of the documents, Rick’s double-cross of Renault; holding him hostage in order to let the couple escape, Rick shooting Strasser, Renault forgiving Rick’s action and deciding to join him in fighting Nazism.
