Essay: Project Management Plan Related Issues

Sample Essay

A project management plan stipulates the various processes and steps that are used in the efficient and effective management of the project. The management plan identifies the various ways through which the project sponsors should be identified and the manner in which the goals would be achieved through proper utilization of the scarce resources available to the organization. Project planning process is therefore mainly concerned with developing strategies which would deliver the targeted project goals. It is a very crucial part of the project as helps to focus on both the current and future goals of the project. The critical dimensions of cost, time, and quality can only be achieved if a proper project plan implemented. Project planning means an endeavor in which material, material, and financial resources are organized in a better way to undertake a unique scope of a given project specification (Alexander and Sheedy 2005).


Essay: Sociological arguments for euthanasia

Sample Essay

The arguments that agitate for legalizing doctor-assisted suicide (Macionis 216) can not be ignored nor can they be easily accepted. First, the notion of the patient’s Right to self-determination in the sense that the patient empowerment gives him or her the power and control to choice of what he or she wants in relation to her life.


Essay: Sociological argument against euthanasia

Sample Essay

However, on the other side of the coin the argument are considerably substantial to deterĀ  thought of legalizing doctor-assisted suicide (Macionis 258). First, medical personnel are not trained psychiatrists. Therefore, the physicians who are given authority to grant euthanasia wish may not always recognize that the real problem is a treatable depression, rather than the need to fulfill a patient’s death wish. Second, there is a concern about the mechanism to be used in regulating doctor-assisted suicide in order to ensure that the weak, the demented, the vulnerable, the stigmatized-those incapable of consent not to become the unwilling objects of this practice.


Essay: Social Conflict Theory

Sample Essay

The theory states that inequality in the society was the main source of conflict. Social class, status, gender, ethnicity, and age were main factors which influenced the unequal distribution of power, wealth and education. The social patterns benefitted others while harming a mass of people. Marx states that the theory resulted from a stratified society which it comprised two major social groups namely: ruling class and a subject class.
