Sample Essay – Project Management Plan

A project management plan stipulates the various processes and steps used in the efficient and effective project management. The management plan identifies the various ways through which the project sponsors should be identified and the manner in which the goals would be achieved through proper utilization of the scarce resources available to the organization. Project planning process is therefore mainly concerned with developing strategies which would deliver the targeted project goals. It is a very crucial part of the project as helps to focus on both the current and future goals of the project. The critical dimensions of cost, time, and quality can only be achieved if a proper project plan implemented. Project planning means an endeavor in which material, material, and financial resources are organized in a better way to undertake a unique scope of a given project specification (Alexander and Sheedy 2005).

During the project management planning stage, a number of challenges are normally encountered by the project team. Diverse challenges and risks demand that unique approaches be utilized to address them. The responses according to a given challenge in the project planning stage demands that proper consultation and communication be done. This is important as it helps ensure that no more projects erupt due to a lack of poor communication, misunderstanding, and misuse of the scarce resources available. Indeed lack of communication could easily lead to the underachievement of the project goals.

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