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Censorship in America on Television

Sample Essay

Word length approx: 1271 words

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Censorship in America has been a matter of debate for many years. With the increase in obscene content being shown on television, many parents are worried about their children being exposed to the crude and vulgar material. Censorship on television in the United States has been subject to various views from people. Some say that children are definitely exposed to the vulgar and obscene material. However, those who are against the censorship of television put forward the claim that with the availability of parental controls and child blocks on television, parents can actually control what their child views. In this way, children do not get affected by the material shown on TV and the television media still has its freedom and control over what they show.

People also believe that if children are taught from an early age what is right and wrong, there should be no need to censor television programs. If the child is aware of what is acceptable and appropriate, he/she will not watch obscene and crude material on the TV. Despite having instilled values and beliefs in their children, parents are bound to be concerned about their children being exposed to such vulgarity and no parent would want that. By….

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