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Alcohol and its Effects Essay

Sample Essay

Length Approx: 1000 words

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Alcohol is a substance which is a depressant and can have certain effects on the human body. When taken in small amounts, the effects of alcohol may not be so great as compared to consuming it in greater quantities. There are various types of alcoholic drinks available such as wine, champagne, beer, spirits etc.

Alcohol has various effects on an individual depending on certain factors. Some of the factors which determine the effects alcohol will have on an individual are the amount and type of alcohol which is consumed, the gender, weight, and age of the person, whether or not the individual has had prior drinking experience, what the circumstances are under which drinking occurs, whether or not there is food in the person’s stomach and last of all his/her body chemistry.

The above factors will certainly determine how alcohol will react in an individual’s body. The amount of alcohol taken will determine the changes in the behavior of the person. If the amount of alcohol consumed is less, the person will feel a slight sense of euphoria and his/her behavior will change only slightly with certain changes in his/her performance. People tend to believe that by drinking alcohol, they are likely to do things better. This is not true and in fact, people perform worse when under the influence.

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