Essay: Sarah Jessica Parker

Sample Essay

In the later 1990s for instance, Sarah Jessica Parker, a female lead actress in hit TV series Sex and The City rose to become a New York fashion icon. Ms Parker social status as New York most envied fashion guru followed her frequent features in New York Fashion Week as the most promising Manhattan socialite.


Essay: The modern hipster community

Sample Essay

The modern hipster community is unfortunate to have their ideals looked upon by stereotypic ideals from the larger society, that associated with the creation of a cultural void from their self obsession and pseudo intellectuality that cannot offer the community any meaning. Therefore, critically analysing the social context of the hipster, it is evident that the larger society embraced bohemian hipster as a facade.


Essay: The Loathing of Culture

Sample Essay

The loathing of culture implies that, the hipster community will not conform to the majority but rather will follow the flow of their own course. While the mainstream community dutifully respects and follows norms, traditions and cultural practices, hipster community will rather break these rules to satisfy their own thinking (Geifer 1). Hipster community do not appreciate consumerization nor do they embrace those who practice culture ignorance.
