Essay: Dangers of Ecstasy

Sample Essay

Frоm а сhеmiсаl аspесt, есstаsy is аlsо а dаngеrоus drug thаt соntаins hаrmful substаnсеs thаt соuld саusе оvеrdоsеs in sоmе situаtiоns. Ассоrding tо Dr. Grоb, “ ‘Thеrе аrе mаny dаngеrs with thе rесrеаtiоnаl mоdеl, nоt thе lеаst оf whiсh is thаt thеrе is mоrе аnd mоrе drug substitutiоn with Есstаsy, sо thаt yоung pеоplе оftеn dо nоt knоw whаt thеy аrе tаking.


Research Paper on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

In the last two decades interest in Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), has increased rapidly, particularly in the United States yet it is not a new subject within psychiatry. The phenomenon of multiple personalities or dissociative identities has been documented intermittently for the past two hundred years. In the eighteenth century, this phenomenon was diagnosed and researched, but in the nineteenth century, it fell into oblivion. (more…)

Essay on Description of Trauma

It can be considered that an event is traumatic from a psychological point of view if it is a threat or attack that: It occurs suddenly, unexpectedly or out of the norm (this includes continued abuse). It exceeds the individual’s perceived ability to handle the threat or attack. It disturbs the frames of reference of the individual and other basic schemes that serve to understand and manage the world. (more…)

Essay on Coronavirus in Spain

According to Lopez, the explosion of autochthonous cases of coronavirus in a short time could saturate a country’s health system, especially in intensive care areas. In Italy, it was not possible to flatten the curve, which meant having fewer cases, and those that existed, having them distributed over time. The eruption of serious cases also generated a problem of collapse in hospitals, where there were not enough doctors or space in intensive care units. (more…)