Essay on Coronavirus in Spain
According to Lopez, the explosion of autochthonous cases of coronavirus in a short time could saturate a country’s health system, especially in intensive care areas. In Italy, it was not possible to flatten the curve, which meant having fewer cases, and those that existed, having them distributed over time. The eruption of serious cases also generated a problem of collapse in hospitals, where there were not enough doctors or space in intensive care units.
The eruption of serious cases also generated a problem of collapse in hospitals. In this sense, the president of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, pointed out that the region is asking retired doctors and nurses to return to work, while the Italian National Civil Protection has set up tents in front of hospitals to care for patients with coronavirus. Spain is the second country in Europe with the most infections with 17,963 cases and has behaved similarly to Italy, although it has taken some actions as a reference and has advanced a little more.
According to an investigation conducted by the group of communication professionals of Mision Verdad, countries such as Italy, Spain, and France, initiated a containment scheme in accordance with WHO protocols, measures including the detection of cases in airport facilities and the isolation of those under suspicion. In this regard, they reiterated that one of the flaws was “underestimating the pattern and form of virus proliferation.
“In mid-January and until the beginning of February, when the authorities believed that the virus contained by retaining and confining suspected or confirmed persons, there had already been a proliferation without the authorities being able to detect it, accentuating the multiplication of hidden cases or real cases”, the investigation refers.
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