Essay: Problems faced by Afghan educational system

Sample Essay

Based on their observations of complementary education programs around the world, the researchers concluded that the most salient advantages of these systems is that they were smaller in scale than traditional and locally-situated schools. The immediate physical access, as well as the communities’ role in providing and maintaining the schools, ensured more regular attendance of both students and teachers.


Essay: Teacher training in Afghanistan

Sample Essay

Kirk (2004) suggested that teacher training in Afghanistan has also been gender-impacted. Given that men traditionally have an easier time moving through society (i.e. in both practical and less tangible ways), they are often able to obtain access to and control the terms of teacher training. In rural Afghanistan, this has particularly proven an issue where it has been both less acceptable and less safe for women to travel for either work or training.


Essay: Disadvantages associated with secondary sources

Sample Essay

The disadvantages that are associated with the use of the secondary sources range from the unavailability of pertinent information on the research topic, to the integrity, accuracy, and reliability of some secondary sources. Other disadvantages associated with secondary sources arise where data is available in a format other than that required by a researcher, and the age of the information particularly where the information is several years old and may not reflect the present circumstances. This makes it necessary to limit secondary information to sources which are not more than six years old (Storey, 1999).


Essay: Community based school system in Afghanistan

Sample Essay

In response, the Afghan refugee community in Iran began to establish its own community-based school system, drawing on the educators in its midst to lead and provide education to the children. Many of these educators were women. Adelkhah and Olzewska (2007) and Hoodfar (2007) contended that Afghan refugee status allowed for a somewhat greater freedom and women were less likely to submit to patriarchal notions.
