Ways to Write Five Paragraph Essays

College studies are indeed full of complicated academic complications. One of the most dreaded complications among college students is to write essays on a regular basis. There is no room for complacencies during college years and students have to write lengthy essays one after the other. One of the types of essays that students are required to write during initial years is five paragraph essays. These types of essays are a way for teachers to teach students how to basically structure an essay adhering to specific guidelines and appropriate writing formats. A five paragraph essay has a basic essay structure comprising of an introductory paragraph, followed by the main body and a conclusion. The purpose of this article is to guide students on how to write a five paragraph essay. If you are new to writing essays than follow some very useful tips right below to learn to write five paragraph essays.

Begin with an Appealing Introduction

Everything has a start and an end. Your five paragraph essay starts with an appealing introduction. The purpose of an introductory paragraph is to guide the readers about the main theme of the essay. It is a microcosm of an entire essay. Therefore, you need to be very careful in terms of what main arguments you need to introduce into the introductory paragraph before elaborating them in the main body. The introduction must consist of brief background on the topic, a thesis statement and an appealing start as to lead the readers into reading the entire essay with interest.

The Main Body

In the case of writing five paragraph essays, the main body must comprise of……

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