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Should Drugs be Legalized

Sample Essay

Should drugs be legalized?

Word count approx: 2193 words

No of sources: 14 sources cited

Drugs are a substance which when absorbed by the body tends to alter the way it functions. There are various kinds of drugs available such as heroin, cocaine, morphine, opium etc. Drugs are illegal however recently the debate has begun whether or not drugs should be legalized.

Those people in favor of the legalization of drugs put forward the argument that if illegal drugs were to be made legal, the number of people using these substances would reduce and the level of addiction would decrease. It is their personal belief that people would themselves choose not to use drugs, just like many people are now abstaining from alcohol.

The above perspective can be negated by the fact that in the past, strict tax controls resulted in people using drugs less as compared to periods when the control on the use of drugs was kept lenient by the government. It was during the 19th century that morphine was introduced as a miracle drug. During wars, soldiers who got wounded were given morphine to ease the pain, a practice which is sometimes still carried out. This however led to the soldiers becoming addicted to morphine and the levels of addiction rose between the 19th and 20th century.

It was in 1914 that the Harrison Act…

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