Sample Paper – Apparel Shopper

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The Apparel retail industry can very easily divide their shoppers based on their incomes and the age bracket they belong to. For large low price retailers like Wal-Mart their strength lies in catering to middle aged women who are looking for more traditional clothes and who are also conscious about their budgets therefore a retailer like Wal-Mart’s strength lies in more older shoppers and those who believe that they can get a value for their limited budget at Wal-Mart. Thus the strength of Wal-Mart is its ability to provide value to its loyal customers.

For higher end retailers their strength lies in the younger shoppers between 18-34 who are more driven by fashion and seek out stores which can offer clothes which are in-line with fashion. In addition those with higher incomes also seek such stores therefore the trendy higher-end stores rely on such shoppers who are more style and fashion conscious. Those with higher incomes form a major chunk of those shoppers who prefer departmental stores like JC Penny.

In terms of clothing value, Wal-Mart is the strongest, but for older shoppers JC Penny and Kohl’s is the choice while for younger shoppers who are more fashion conscious, Target and Old Navy are considered more trendy.

Thus the strengths of the different retail stores depend on their traditional customer base and this base provides the revenues for the retailers. For example Wal-Mart’s strength lies in the basic style which is preferred by most of the customers especially the older ones. While stores like Old Navy depend on their brands which are thought to be fashionable especially by the younger age-groups.

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