International Law

Sample Term Paper

Words 1,300

Legal systems may seem to be based on abstract notions of justice, but they are in fact embedded in normative systems. In order to understand the functioning – and the effect – of international law, we must, therefore, consider it to be a blend of law as an operating system as well as the law as a normative system. The one is not neatly embedded within the other but rather the two exist in tandem with each other, with one sometimes being stronger or more important while the other sometimes has greater relevance or force. (more…)

Instructional Design

Sample Term Paper

Words 1,300

We tend to think about philosophy as something that belongs to the sages – to Socrates instructing the youth of Greece or Descartes contemplating the relationship between reality and humanity. But each one of us possesses a personal philosophy that – when refined and articulated – can help us to be better teachers and even better human beings. The combination of this overarching philosophy combined with educational philosophy creates the educational design that each teacher uses to guide him or her in the classroom. (more…)

Immigrants and the Economy

Sample Essay

Words 900

Illegal and often even legal immigrants are all too often looked upon in these days as parasites with dark skin, too many children and no desire to learn English, as people who will come and take away jobs from “real” Americans. Such stereotypes about immigrants have been responsible for anti-immigration passed recently, such as the passage in California of Proposition 187, which was based on the assumption that illegal immigrants are an overall drawn on the economy, not only taking away jobs from U.S. citizens gut drawing from the public coffers more in social services than they return in the form of taxes paid. However, this has been found not to be the case (Scheer, 2000, p. B5). (more…)

Douglas Adams

Sample Term Paper

Words 1,200

Douglas Adams was a creative mind, born in Cambridge in 1952. Educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge with a BA and MA in English literature. This paper talks about his life, his career, and writings as well as how current events shaped the body of his work. Finally, the paper looks at what critics have said about his contribution as a writer and his contribution to the world. (more…)

Children and Family Practice

Case Study

Words 2,120

The following case study is an account of the assessment and intervention approaches used for Michelle Smith.  Michelle is a fourteen-year-old African American student born on July 5, 1989, that attends Dunbar Middle School.  The study examines the problem, assessment notes, observations, rationale for the intervention, and a review of the strengths and limitations of the intervention. (more…)