Porter’s five forces model: Essay

Sample Essay

Words 592

Porter’s thinking on strategy and the five force model has been supported by precision research into industries and companies and has remained consistent as well as developmental. This paper outlines a few strengths and weaknesses that this strategy and the five force model entail.  In his five force model, Porter has concentrated on different aspects at different times, spinning the threads together with a logic that is irrefutable. Before Competitive Strategy, most strategic thinking focused either on the organization of a company’s internal resources and their adaptation to meet particular circumstances in the marketplace or on increasing an organization’s competitiveness by lowering prices to increase market share. In Competitive Strategy, Porter managed to reconcile these approaches, providing management with a fresh way of looking at strategy from the point of view of industry itself rather than just from the point of view of markets, or of organizational capabilities. (more…)

Writing Dissertations

Sample Essay

Words 1,910

Often students are shy about approaching their faculty, fearing that to do so would expose their own ignorance on the subject and thus undermine the faculty member’s confidence in the ability of the student to perform the required research and writing. However, the student should remember that most faculty members will be fact be happy to share their expertise: One of the great advantages of being a student, after all, is that one is still an apprentice and it is a part of one’s role to seek the advice and help of others. (more…)


Sample Essay

Words 1,215

The emergence of multimedia technologies has been set against a background of increasing student numbers and decreasing resources, increased administrative burdens for teachers, and increased demands for research output. Using multimedia courseware and thereby reducing the amount of teacher-student contact time appears to offer the scope for significant efficiency savings. (more…)

Illiteracy in Low Socio-Economic Areas: Essay

Sample Essay

Words 2,592


Economic growth in the nineteenth century U.S. was not without its costs. The deleterious impact of economic growth on nineteenth-century U.S. living standards can be seen in what has come to be known as “the antebellum paradox”: though economic growth was strong and per capita incomes were rising before the Civil War, two indicators of living standards—average height and life expectation at age 10 (e10 )—were declining (Fogel, 1986). Several studies have examined the factors that influenced physical stature at the individual level in cross-section, in order to understand how changes over time in urbanization, industrialization, and nutrition could explain the change in stature. But falling life expectation has received considerably less attention at the micro level. (more…)

Term Papers Online

Once in college and university, many of your students must be getting term papers to write. Most of the times, your teachers must not be giving you enough time to write your papers and you often wonder what will happen to your grades. This is where we come in. (more…)