Turabian Format is an abbreviated version of the University of Chicago manual of style. This format is most preferred when the students are given the assignments of political sciences and history. Though there are many other formats for the bibliography and term paper writing Turabian is most preferred for the term paper and essay writings due to the benefit of detailed notes through which you can easily add the sources. The detailed source handling would keep you safe from the plagiarism claims. Here are some of the steps to help you write a quality essay in Turabian format:

  • Clarify the topic:

Before starting to work on the essay make sure that you have researched the topic clearly. Keep a timeline of the historical topic or issue that you would be addressing in the essay. Moreover, you can construct an outline to write the essay stepwise without forgetting any key point.

  • Point of view:

Organize your paper with a structure that could help you write easily with no confusion. Start the paper with an interesting introduction and thesis statement. Make sure that you completely express your point of view with the help of thesis statement.

  • Main body:

The main body will consist of the material that you will mention to defend your thesis statement. Do not forget to cite the source accurately in the parenthesis by including the name of the author and the date of the publication. If there are page numbers to be added then you can enter the page number in the parenthesis without the comma.

  • Notes:

The detailed information of the sources could be added in the endnotes where you can add the specific details especially in case of a history or political sciences assignment. After the conclusion, the overview of the notes could be mentioned on a separate page before the bibliography.

  • Bibliography:

The bibliography must be arranged in alphabetical order by author’s last name or the title of the sources.

These steps will help you write a quality essay by using the simple guidelines of Turabian format. Always proofread your paper in order to obtain good grades for your course.

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