
 The types of food people are coming to know are growing day-by-day. Our love for food is greater than ever. Food habits are shaped by environment, available ingredients, climate, and even factors like class and income. Though food is first and foremost a basic necessity, it is also a cultural symbol, i.e. Sushi is synonymous with Japan, fish and chips conjure up images of Britain, and tacos are associated with Mexico.

However, besides these common cultural symbols, many nations boast of “exotic” foods that are native to a region or people. For example, Westernised nations may balk at eating a crisply fried Tarantula, but these giant spiders are a staple diet among Amazonian tribes. In Indonesia, they serve Monkey toes deep-fried and the brain still attached to the skull of a living monkey. Baby mice wine is considered to be a tonic in Chinese and Korean medicine. Baby mice are fermented in rice wine and served as a delicate drink. Some of these foods are unpalatable in western society.

People are traveling to different places, trying new food and learning how to cook them. Human migration is also helping to spread various dishes around the world. Some travel for the love of food only to specific regions. Today ‘World Food’ has become Local to many of us. The United Kingdom is one of the prominent examples to support this case. Using useful theories and examples, write a report based on the criteria below.

LO1 Understand the characteristics and influences in world cuisine

 1.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of different world region cuisines. You should look at a minimum of two different countries

1.2 Discuss influences in regional or world cuisine relating to a cuisine you are familiar with

M1: Identify ways how these cuisines can be more successful in the UK (ref to both 1.1 & 1.2)  

LO2 Understand the multicultural nature of food and drink in society

2.1 Discuss how historical and geographic influences have defined the multicultural nature of food and drink in the UK

2.2 Evaluate developing trends in food and drink

LO3 Be able to use preparation and cooking knowledge and skills to prepare dishes from different world regions in a professional, safe and hygienic manner

3.1 Demonstrate skills in the preparation and cooking of a range of dishes from different world cuisines

3.2 Demonstrate a professional attitude at all times following safe and hygienic working practices when preparing and cooking dishes

M2: Develop and apply a strategy that can offer you higher sales with hospitality-related examples

LO4 Be able to apply evaluation techniques and criteria to a range of dishes

4.1 Evaluate clearly and coherently a range of dishes from different world cuisines

4.2 Make valid recommendations for improvement

D3: Give evidence why you have made the above recommendations with possible valid success stories in the world food market.

M3: Provide Conclusions for the piece. The conclusion is an important part of your assignment. It not only brings together all the information you have explored but also the way forward. This also could be a snapshot of your whole work.

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