The Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses emphasized the need for nursing leadership in Canada and the promotion of the essential role of nursing executives in changing the nation’s healthcare system into a composite patient care system. Included in the suggestions was the necessity to create modern management capabilities that will give nurse leaders the abilities to direct, advanced and radically implement the health system change. This paper concentrates on innovative management capabilities to direct the health sector in the latest “state of the art communication and technology know-how” and its significant connection between scientific nursing procedures and nursing capabilities.
Information dissemination and sharing should be considered an important tool for changing the current health system in Canada so that informed decisions can be made and implemented. According to the Canadian Nurses Association, the use of information technology is essential for sustainable healthcare systems.
Leadership with Nursing Informatics
Nursing managers realize that besides the traditional skills, which include financial resources, health management, and clinical operations, patient care must be supported with modern technological skills to effectively utilize and support future nursing activities essential for changing nursing practices. Nursing managers who learn and implement new informatics will be able to take advantage of innovative technologies such as ‘electronic health records’.
Additionally, those nursing leaders who implement changes in their nursing practices by using EHRs will have to be ensured of the capability to make better-informed decisions that are supported with the latest acquired knowledge for the creation of sustainable delivery of healthcare across all nursing practices.
The Canadian Nurses Association
The Canadian Nurses Association has provided convincing substantiation of the need for implementing coherent and effective leadership and management of e-health practices and procedures, which will contribute proactively to Canadian health care by nurses and nursing managers.
Reports especially recommend that nurses be recognized as the most capable group for the implementation of the changing e-Health practices in the Canadian healthcare system.
For obtaining the best results, the use of information technology has become imperative, and without it, it will not be possible to improve health services in the country. The radical transformation in nursing practices will concentrate solely on the most effective way of patient handling and treatment.
Nursing skills must be acquired and practiced that are compatible in an environment that emphasizes the importance of outpatient care, which needs healthcare providers to work in teams and adopt and adhere to leadership and management roles for providing the widest possible range of healthcare facilities.
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