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Ethics in business Paper

Sample Paper

Word length approx: 1776

4 works cited

Company ethics is the actions that a firm abides by in its day to day business dealings with customers from their country and with customers from around the world. The business ethics for different business are and can certainly be very diverse and vast. Business ethics do not relate only to how a certain business can and does interact with many of the customers in the world it deals with, but also to the interaction of the business in their one-to-one transactions with single customers.

Many companies and firms do not have a good reputation due to the way in which they interact and deal with people. There are some businesses which are only concerned with making money; there is nothing else which they care about, not even customer satisfaction or the production of high-quality goods. This can be called a form of capitalism to an extent. This is because capitalism too involves making money through any means available to do so. People who are these businesses do not think of making money as wrong. Instead, the manner in which the money is generated is what most people do not like. Apart from that, the ethical behavior and code of conduct which businesses follow are also disapproved of by many people.

All businesses should include good business ethics in their firm. When considering good business ethics, there are many factors and aspects which should be kept under consideration. There are some businesses which deal with other businesses which are considered as being unethical in their business dealings. Most people would state that it makes the first company indulging in this business deal as being unethical as well. People believe this as it should be the first company’s responsibility to remain ethical in their dealings and in the businesses they deal with.

Many international businesses are seen as not following the proper code of conduct and ethics as far as business ethics are concerned. The list of international businesses certainly does include some of the world’s best and largest companies. There are many businesses which are fined millions of dollars for breaking their code of ethics.

If a firm does not follow its business ethics, it is normal for them to be fined by the government authorities. There are businesses which people know very well and which make millions worth of…

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