Environmental protection administration is very much emphasized by the EPA. The programming committee has proposed a conceptual framework containing objectives and guidelines for environmental education (EE) in its scope and topics. They also designed a general survey that included subtopics on the importance of EE, school, and environmental problems. These have been the foundation for EE study in Taiwan. Its research into the promotion of EE in Taiwan has created the blueprint for EE goals, plans, and facilities, laying the way for the future development of EE in Taiwan. The EPA of the Republic of China published a list of facilities for EE promotion and teacher training. They also promoted EE as one of the most important tasks for provincial and city governments.
Additionally, the National Taiwan Normal University cooperated with the EPA to set up an Environmental Education Center in August 1988. Since August 1989, the EPA has worked with nine national teachers’ colleges throughout the island to establish more environmental education centers to collect information systematically, edit textbooks, publish information, and train teachers.
Environmental Protection Administration
The Ministry of Interior is responsible for promoting and guiding pollution prevention and ecological and wildlife protection as it pertains to city planning, land utilization, land construction, national parks, and coastal construction, it also offers environmental education to administrators and workers involved in sewage treatment and water supply. Similarly, the Ministry of Economics.
It promotes and guides environmental education in the water, mineral, and energy resource sectors. It works toward industrial pollution prevention and offers environmental education to administrators and workers involved in waste treatment and environmental protection.
The Bureau of Information. It is responsible for offering environmental education to its related administrators and workers and promoting and guiding environmental education and protection among their information and news circulation.
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