Sample Essay – What is Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the fasting spreading diseases in the world. The reason for this is mostly because of the fact that the disease can be genetically transferred on to the following generations and the increasingly indulgent lifestyle of the population in the developed countries. The destruction of a favorable environment and  the increased stress both at home and at the workplace is making the disease turn into an epidemic for the while world. In such conditions the most affective and feasible way of regulating the disease and controlling it amongst the patient is to constantly monitor their lifestyles for their food consumption, their exercise and workout habits, their alcohol consumption as well as the stress being born by the people.

There exist at least four types of diagnosed forms of the disease. These pertain to Type 1 diabetes which results from the failure of the human body to produce insulin, Type 2 diabetes which occurs when the body is unable to use or consume the insulin, The Gestational Diabetes which is more common in pregnant women. Aside for this there also is a pre-diabetes. This takes place when the individual has high blood sugar levels but not fully developed Type 2 diabetes.

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