Sample Essay – Commercial Capacitors

Commercial capacitors are constructed with a metallic foil that is interlaced with paper that has been impregnated with paraffin or Mylar for dielectric materials. For capacitors that look like cylindrical tubes, the metal foil in them has been rolled up and the dielectric material is between the sheets.

Small capacitors are often made from ceramic material which is dipped in epoxy in order to seal them. The dielectric capacitor is a variable capacitor where the capacitance is varied in order to tune transmitters, transistors and receiver radios Splung (2011). These are multi-plated capacitors, with multi layers of air that have fixed plates, and movable plates. This type of capacitor has maximum capacitance when two plates are meshed together. Currently in the market are a type of variable capacitors called trimmers, that are adjustable or pre-set to a particular capacitance with the help of a small screwdriver, and are found in small capacitance of about 500pF.

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