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Development of an Eating Disorder Paper

Sample Paper

Length Approx: 2500 words

An eating disorder has become quite common in young adults and adolescents, particularly girls. There are many reasons which contribute to the development of an eating disorder; some factors are biological, others may be psychological and sometimes social factors too lead to the development of an eating disorder in an adolescent.

What most adolescents do not realize is that proper nourishment is required to grow and develop in a normal way. By not eating properly, your body does not get the proper nutrients it requires to grow effectively. Like mentioned above, there are certain factors which lead to an eating disorder developing in a person. Some of these will be examined below.

-Psychological factors: the way our brain functions and how we perceive things very much affects our behavior. People who tend to resort to not eating usually have low levels of self-esteem, they feel that they do not have a control over their lives and are usually depressed, angry or anxious at all times. These factors can all contribute to an eating disorder if the psychological aspects mentioned are not treated on their own.

– Social factors: Some of the social factors which contribute to an eating disorder consist of the way the media portrays a woman…

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