Essay on Mid-Life Crisis: Fact or Myth

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Words 1,501

Is there really something called “a midlife crisis” a crisis that many 40-somethings are designed to experience? Or is it all just hype and merely a myth? In using the film American Beauty (1999) I will attempt to assess Lester Burnham’s midlife crisis, the principal character played by Kevin Spacey, to some of Daniel J. Levinson’s theories of adult development. Does Lester’s so-called midlife crisis follow Levinson’s transitions and sequences of midlife? Or is Lester Burnham’s experience merely an adjustment distress, as described in the DSM-IV-TR of the American Psychiatric Association (2000 p. 28): (more…)

Parental Involvement on the Academic Success of African American Students: Essay

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Words 5,305

Parent involvement is time and again named as an important link for effective schooling. For almost a quarter of a century, a study on parental and family involvement has acknowledged that parents can do much to reinforce positive attitudes toward school, to prepare their children for school, and to support their children’s efforts once they are in school. Sadly, not all parents have the same level of input in school-home collaborations. Regardless of an increase in efforts to boost participation of culturally and linguistically diverse parents, there is still a lack of systematic efforts to include these parents effectively. (more…)

Oratory Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream”: Essay

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Words 1,546

Dr. King is famous for his speeches whether delivered from the pulpit or on the steps of a famous monument.  On August 28, 1963, on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., Dr. King gave his most famous speech, “I Have a Dream.”  He gave an emotional speech to the African-American population suggesting peaceful resolutions rather than violence and presented to his fellow African-Americans, and Americans of all races, the inequality of the African-American life versus that of the Caucasian that claimed a majority.  Dr. King pointed out the injustices and demanded equality using emotional appeal as well as logical and ethical appeal.  He used outside authorities and quoted works of literature, though slightly altered, in his speech.  A large part of Martin Luther King Jr.’s success as an orator was due to his uses of rhetoric in his speeches. (more…)

Porter’s five forces model: Essay

Sample Essay

Words 592

Porter’s thinking on strategy and the five force model has been supported by precision research into industries and companies and has remained consistent as well as developmental. This paper outlines a few strengths and weaknesses that this strategy and the five force model entail.  In his five force model, Porter has concentrated on different aspects at different times, spinning the threads together with a logic that is irrefutable. Before Competitive Strategy, most strategic thinking focused either on the organization of a company’s internal resources and their adaptation to meet particular circumstances in the marketplace or on increasing an organization’s competitiveness by lowering prices to increase market share. In Competitive Strategy, Porter managed to reconcile these approaches, providing management with a fresh way of looking at strategy from the point of view of industry itself rather than just from the point of view of markets, or of organizational capabilities. (more…)