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A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Sample Essay

Length Approx: 1500 words

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s delightful plays. It can be considered as somewhat different from his earlier works. The play is one through which a reader understands the depth of Shakespeare’s imagination and just how learned he was. The references which Shakespeare has used in this play are absolutely remarkable and to understand these references requires much thought and focus.

In various parts of the play, Shakespeare has made use of Greek mythology. The character of Theseus in the play is very much based on the Greek God Theseus. Throughout the play as well, Shakespeare has given many references to the gods and goddesses of Greece.  Many of the other characters which Shakespeare has used in the play were taken from a wide range of other texts.

Most of Shakespeare’s plays are produced from a particular source however A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one play which he wrote based purely on imagination. The play is one of the best plays of literature and is much loved by literature enthusiasts. Shakespeare has been well known for his plays and this play in particular…

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