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The Impact of ADHD on Families Essay

Sample Essay

Word length approx: 706 words

1 work cited

For a person to have ADHD-attention deficit hyperactive disorder is not an easy thing to deal with. Not only does the disorder affect the person himself, it affects people around him too particularly his/her family. There are a lot of challenges involved for the family of a child having ADHD and dealing with these things is not easy at all.

There are many disturbances, particularly emotional ones which the family must deal with. Apart from emotional, there are developmental, educational as well as behavioral disturbances which the family must cope with. People in the family need to devote much of their time, energy and efforts in dealing with their child if he/she has ADHD.

For the family to deal with a child having ADHD is very stressful. This can affect the normal functioning of the family as well. There is also a certain amount of financial burden which the family has to put up with as the treatment for ADHD can be extremely expensive. With such type of stressful situations at home, not only is the child at a greater risk but the parents having a lot of pressure on their mind. This tends to lead to further health problems particularly problems related to mental health.

When families have to deal with ADHD, the stress is so much that the relationship between a husband and wife tends to get disrupted as well. Marital conflicts are very common when a family has to deal with a child having ADHD. Not only is the marriage affected by certain conflicts but the child’s health can deteriorate even further due to the conflicts in his/her parent’s marriage. Some of the impacts which marital conflicts can have on a child are…

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